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Bookworm News

Posted: Tue, 24 Jan 2024

About Bookworm

Peter Richmond's profile picture

Peter Richmond


After the successful launch of Bookworm within the idyllic surrounds of the Tasmanian Arboretum on the 26th December 2023 the Bookworm platform is now open for business. With a sleek new-look design the Bookworm site is ready for both readers and authors to enjoy the benefits that the platform offers. And what are those benefits? For readers it is simple. Free books to read. Just hop on the website and start reading, for free. No sign up, no login, just open a browser and commence reading your favourite book or author. But, of course, to enjoy the full benefits of Bookworm, readers can register, creating an account to provide access to features such as comments, my library, rate books etc. For a small monthly subscription readers can enjoy ad free reading and access to chat, groups and much, much more. Authors on the other hand are invited to participate in a revolution in book publishing. By visiting authors can register and upload their book(s). Books will be reviewed and if suitable will be published on the site. That’s when all similarities with the conventional publishing world ends. Authors with their book(s) on Bookworm will be remunerated per pages of their book(s) which are read. A reconciliation will occur at the end of each month with the monthly advertising revenue, which the platform (including the Bookworm blog and the Bookworm Youtube channel Michael Richmond) has derived, divided proportionally with the number of page views of a book has received. Authors will then be compensated accordingly. The team at Bookworm will endeavour to optimise the advertising revenue derived from the site each month. As traffic to the site grows then it is expected revenue will also increase as the advertising options and advertising models that become available to Bookworm evolve, meaning anticipated higher payouts to authors. As discussed in “Why Bookworm” Bookworm does not intend to compete with hard cover books, e-books, book review bloggers nor the book publishing industry. The intention is to complement these disciplines. It is intended to provide established writers with another revenue stream and provide new upcoming self-publishing authors with increased revenue so that they can write more. The first 100 authors who submit their books to Bookworm will receive shoutouts across the whole of Bookworm’s socials and be featured on the home page of Bookworm. Bookworm will have a “Book of the Day” and an “Author of the Week” section on the home page providing authors and their work maximum exposure. Real estate on Bookworm’s home page will also be devoted to book review bloggers, featuring “Book review blogger of the Month”. The Bookworm Youtube channel will be used as a forum to discuss authors and their works. As always, the vision of Bookworm is everyone reading…everywhere…anytime. A platform benefiting readers and authors alike. Join the bookworm community at to make the vision a reality.